
Tours, Retreats, Activities and Online Experiences

Register now for visitors and locals to experience your activities, workshops, tours, online classes and retreats.

 Add your business to be found

Have visitors and locals discover your business, accommodation, winery, shop, restaurant and more…

How does listing your experiences work?


Tours, Retreats and activities

List your retreats, tours, workshops and activities for free to be discovered here. We charge 15% when booked and pay you the balance


Events and Festivals

List all your upcoming events and festivals for free. Let visitors and locals plan and experience whats coming up in and around Hermanus and book directly with you.


Everything Else Hermanus

Let locals and visitors discover and interact with you directly. Be found as an Hermanus Experience. Special listing rate of R275 to all businesses for 2020. List before the end of April!

Why list with Hermanus Experiences

Earn an additional income

We make it easy for you

Expand your network

Connect with visitors and locals

Share your skills

Do the work you where born to do


What does it cost to list my experiences with Hermanus Experiences?

It costs nothing to add your retreat, tour, workshop, course or activities on this platform. We do however charge 15% commission on all bookings made through this platform

What does it cost to list my business in the area guide?

The rate per listing is R165/month. You will have analytics on your listing to see how many visitors have viewed and interacted with your business listing.

What happens if I want to cancel my listing?

You can login into your profile anytime and cancel your listing or email us here info@hermanusexperiences.co.za

Can I add 15% above the price on our website so we can absorb the 15% you are charging?

Unfortunately, we cannot allow that.
We make sure the prices we have on this platform are the same as the price a customer would pay if they booked directly with you or anywhere else. This is our lowest price guarantee that every host agrees to when listing on this platform.
Without this, there would simply be too much incentive for people to circumvent booking on the platform.
The aim of this platform is to provide you the host a service to reduce your administrative and marketing costs and efforts. We value the partnership and want you to too. Where hosts are charging different rates or attempting to get guests to circumvent this platform we will terminate the agreement and remove your listings.
The 15% should not be an extra that the guest has to pay but rather it should be priced into your marketing and administration budget.